Free Trade Zones"
(sometimes called "customs free zones" or "duty free zones") is a generic term referring to special commercial and industrial areas at which special customs procedures allow the importation of
foreign merchandise
(including raw materials, components, and finished goods) without the requirement that duties be paid immediately. If the merchandise is later exported, duty free treatment is given to reexports. The zones are usually located in or near ports of entry. Merchandise brought into these zones may be stored, exhibited, assembled, processed or used in manufacture prior to reexport or entry into the national customs territory. When manufacturing activity occurs in free trade zones, it usually involves a combination of
foreign and domestic merchandise, and usually requires special governmental authority. Types of free trade zones include:
foreign trade zones
(and foreign trade subzones); free ports; and transit zones.
See: Drawback Economic Zones Export Processing Zones Foreign Access Zones Foreign Trade Zones Free Ports Free Trade Area Transit Zones